Travelling from US to India on H1 in March 2021 during COVID

Zeeshan Ali
2 min readMar 11, 2021


Fellow Travelers,

I recently had to travel from US to India during these unprecedented times of COVID where all the customers and airlines are taking extra precautions to curb the spread. Since I travelled recently on 4th March 2021 I would share some tips and my experience which might benefit someone.

I was lucky enough to get an appointment for US Consulate as I needed stamping on my H1 Visa in order to return US later. So I booked my flight tickets once I had the date booked for US Consulate.

Destination: United States (Newark)-> India (Delhi) -> India (Hyderabad)

Date: 4th Mar 2021

Prerequisites for Travel:

  1. RT-PCR Report 72 hours before the flight departure

I booked a RT-PCR test under 72 hours (3 days) before the departure of flight. They consider it by the hour not by the day something to be aware of.

The RT-PCR report has to be shown at the airport and they mark your boarding pass that you are good to go.

2. Temperature check at the airport

They check your temperature within the permissible range, before you get to fly. They paste a green sticker on your boarding pass to signify your temperature is lower than the cutoff.

3. Passport & Ticket (Obviously)

4. Self Declaration Form for International Travelers

The website states that it is a mandatory self declaration form for international travelers, however I did not had to show it specifically at the Delhi Airport.

Arrival at Delhi:

On reaching Delhi they took my Address where I’ll be quarantining and my Indian mobile number where I will be reachable.

After checking my negative RT-PCR Report and temperature check I was allowed to go for check-in for my Next Domestic Flight. I was expecting I might have to go another Covid test but they didn’t ask me to take that.

Arrival at Hyderabad:

This was very smooth. Since I was a domestic traveler from Delhi, so they didn’t check my temperature or ask me to go under Covid test.

But I have heard people who have travelled from other countries directly to Hyderabad they have had to take Covid test upon arrival at Hyderabad Airport.

